Temperature roller coaster: February reality check to replace springlike warmth in East before next warmup

After record warmth for many across the U.S. this week, a cold front will bring some relief from the heat, making it feel much more like February into the weekend.

After a week of a divided weather pattern between springlike warmth in the East and cold air in the West, a temperature roller coaster is expected heading into the weekend as a cold front provides a brief February reality check across the eastern U.S.

Brief February reality check Friday and Saturday

As the cold front moves off the East Coast, the above-average warmth will be wiped away.

Most of the central and eastern U.S. will see temperatures that are pretty typical of mid-February. One exception will be the southern Plains, where temperatures will be nearly 10 degrees below average.


Near-average temperatures will return to most of the central and eastern U.S. on Friday and Saturday.
(FOX Weather)


Warming up again

We promised a temperature roller coaster, so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

The FOX Forecast Center expects widespread warmth to return to the central and eastern U.S. on Sunday and Monday ahead of the next storm system that could arrive by the middle of next week.

High temperatures will soar to between 10 and 20 degrees above average. This time, however, no records are expected to fall.

Warmer-than-average temperatures will return to the central and eastern U.S. early next week.
(FOX Weather)


Record-breaking warmth already

Thursday was the final day of springlike warmth across the East. High temperatures ranged from 15 to 30 degrees above average from the Northeast and Ohio Valley to the South.

These regions were engulfed in a southerly flow out ahead of the approaching cold front that spawned a 1,000-mile-long severe weather threat on Thursday.


One more warm day is expected for the eastern U.S. on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023.
(FOX Weather)


Record highs set from northern Florida to New England

More than 30 daily record highs were set Wednesday from northern Florida to New England.

Some of the cities that broke records were: Burlington in Vermont (57 degrees), Cleveland (68 degrees), Syracuse in New York (69 degrees), Pittsburgh (71 degrees), Columbus in Ohio (72 degrees), Paducah in Kentucky (74 degrees) and Pensacola in Florida (78 degrees).

Each placemark denotes where a daily record high was tied or broken on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023.
(FOX Weather)
