Thanksgiving foods your dog can safely eat and ones to avoid

The American Kennel Club and American Veterinary Medical Association have compiled a list of traditional Thanksgiving foods that are safe to feed dogs and foods that should be avoided.

As we load up our plates for Thanksgiving dinner, it might be tempting to sneak your dogs a snack from the table. Before giving them a special treat, make sure what you are giving your pet is safe for them to eat. 

It's easy to offer up the turkey bones, but the American Kennel Club and American Veterinary Medical Association say to avoid bones because they can potentially cause damage to your pet's digestive tract.

Many other foods aren't good for your pup, either.


"When it comes to the foods you shouldn't feed your dog, foods like ham, turkey skin, and gravy tend to be fatty, which can cause pancreatitis in dogs," Sarah Bank, American Kennel Club Communications Coordinator, says. "Chocolate and other sweet holiday desserts contain xylitol, which is toxic for dogs. While raisins and grapes don't contain xylitol, they happen to be toxic as well."

Bank also said not to give your dogs foods that are heavily seasoned.

However, there are healthier and safer choices to share with your dog on Thanksgiving. 

From green beans to sweet potatoes, plenty of fall favorites can be good options for your dog to share in small portions during holiday festivities.

"Moderation is key. Be mindful of how much you're giving your pet. Even if it's healthy for them, too much can still cause stomach issues," Bank said.

Here is a list of foods your dog can eat and some your pup should avoid. 


Your dog can safely eat the following Thanksgiving dinner foods: 

  • Turkey – Turkey meat is perfectly fine for dogs if you stick to the turkey meat that has not been prepared with any seasonings.
  • Potatoes – Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamins. Regular potatoes are fine to give your dog if they're boiled or baked with no added butter, sour cream, or seasonings. Serve in moderation.
  • Green Beans – Plain green beans are full of vitamins and fiber and are a safe treat for dogs if they're plain without any added seasonings or butter.
  • Apples – Apples are another great source of fiber and vitamins. However, make sure to remove the skin and core as the seeds can be toxic.
  • Pumpkin – Pumpkin is a fall favorite and is quite healthy for dogs. If you want to give some to your dog, make sure it is raw pumpkin without any spices or inside any baked goods. Those desserts may contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.


You should avoid giving the following Thanksgiving foods to your dog:

  • Turkey bones, skin, gravy
  • Stuffing
  • Chocolate and other desserts
  • Raisins & grapes
  • Ham
  • Onions & Garlic