Weather will be wilder than a bucking bronco for start of the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo

Around 1.2 million guests visited the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo in 2020.

FORT WORTH, Texas – Eagerly awaiting crowds will get their first chance to attend the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo in two years, and the weather looks like it’ll be wild for the start of the three-week event.

Meteorologists say the first day of the show could see temperatures as much as 20 degrees above average before a significant front ushers in much colder weather for the weekend.

Forecast models show temperatures on Saturday will be stuck in the 40s with wind gusts upwards of 40 mph, making wind chill values feel like they will be in the 20s.

The wind could prove to be challenging to the All-Western Parade that’s scheduled to begin at 11 a.m.

The city expects nearly 100,000 spectators to line streets to watch more than 2,000 horses, marching bands and floats.

The parade is free and open to the public.

The winds are expected to relax for Sunday’s events, but temperatures will remain colder than average, at least through the end of the weekend.


An estimated 1.2 million people visited the event before the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the Lone Star State in 2020.

Staff says if ticket sales are any indication of the enthusiasm for the event’s return, crowds will be sizable again this year.

"Tickets sales have been very brisk with many of our rodeo and concert performances in near sell-outs, and entries in our livestock and horse shows have also been at high levels. Clearly, getting back to the Stock Show is on the calendar for thousands of folks across the state and across the country," FWSSR President and General Manager Brad Barnes said in a news release.

Interested attendees for the main shows and events are encouraged to check out the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo’s website.

Download the FOX Weather app to help you plan for what weather expect during any of the 23 days of fun.
