Strawberry moon: June's full moon peaks Saturday night

Known as the Strawberry Moon – a name given by the Algonquin tribes – the full moon will begin to appear Friday evening and last through Monday morning, according to NASA.

Skygazers have their FOX FutureView set for the last full moon of spring this week.

On Saturday at 11:42 p.m. ET, the moon will appear at its brightest for the last time before summer in the Northern Hemisphere officially arrives on June 21, or the summer solstice

Known as the Strawberry moon – a name given by the Algonquin tribes – the full moon will begin to appear Friday evening and last through Monday morning, according to NASA. The name comes from the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries in the northeastern U.S.


According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the "Strawberry" moniker for this full moon comes from the Native American name for it. It is meant to note the season for harvesting strawberries.

Click here for more astronomical events to help usher in the changing of the seasons these next few weeks.

Unlike, watching meteor showers or looking for constellations, getting away from city lights is not required to enjoy the full moon, which means a good opportunity to make some creative photos of the moon with different backgrounds and landscapes. 

The photo below of last June's full Strawberry moon is a good example of creatively framing a shot.