Here’s how to find your ‘safe place’ for #SafePlaceSelfie Day on April 6

Planning ahead and practicing can help you stay safe during life-threatening weather and natural disasters

When a tornado is headed for your house what would you do to stay safe? When floodwaters rise, where would you go to avoid them? Those are just some of the questions #SafePlaceSelfie Day aims to help you answer.

As part of its Weather-Ready Nation initiative, the National Weather Service is using April 6 to encourage people to create and practice their weather-safety plans.

To participate in the social media effort, snap a picture of yourself in your "safe place" and post it to your favorite platform with the #SafePlaceSelfie.

For more information, go to

Tips to help you find your ‘safe place’

There are several things to consider when designating a place where you would shelter during life-threatening weather or a natural disaster. 

Here are some tips to help you find a good place to shelter.

1. Understand your risks

Before you determine a "safe place," you should understand the types of weather and natural hazards you are most likely to experience where you live.

For example, some places are more likely to face a threat of a tornado or hurricane and other places are more likely to face a threat of an earthquake or tsunami. Understanding your likelihood for all types of hazards can help you formulate the best plan.

2. Not all hazards are created equal

Different types of severe weather or natural disasters can pose a different set of risks. Your "safe place" will be dependent on the type of hazard that you’re facing.

Sheltering from a tornado, for example, requires you to get to the lowest floor of a building. Flooding, on the other hand, requires you head to higher ground. Keep in mind that you may need to designate different places to seek shelter depending on the type of weather event or natural disaster.

3. Accessorize

No. We’re not talking about finding the perfect bracelet to go with the wallpaper in your safe place. We’re suggesting you bring along other safety equipment that can help you survive whatever hazard you are facing.

For example, a bicycle helmet is great to wear when sheltering from a tornado since it will increase your protection from flying debris. Maybe you want to bring along a flashlight or whistle. Just make sure whatever extra equipment you’re using doesn’t slow down your response time.

4. Plan for pets

When you’re developing a safety plan, don’t forget about the four-legged members of your family. Make sure that Fido or Fluffy have a place to hunker down with the rest of the household.

5. Practice makes perfect

Once you designate your safe place or places, practice what you would do if you needed to take shelter. The idea is for the plan to become second nature to you and your family. Hopefully, a rehearsed plan will lead to less panic during the emergency.