Shark photobombs a shot by leaping into the air behind an unwitting surfer

Surfer Tyler Warren was catching some waves on the Southern California coast when Jordan Anast photographed the photobombing shark behind the surfer.

SAN DIEGO, Calif. – On Saturday, photographer Jordan Anast captured images of a shark hurling its body out of the water behind a surfer.

"[I] thought it was a dolphin," said Jordan Anast, who captured the shots at San Ofre Beach. After taking a closer look, he realized it was a shark. 

Anast, who generally shoots surf photography on weekends, was spending that particular weekend shooting the annual San Onofre Surf Club contest near San Diego.

His photo series first includes an image of surfer Tyler Warren standing on his surfboard as he rides a wave toward shore. Behind him is a clear blue sky.

In the next image, the sky is partially obscured by a large, photobombing fish – a shark.

The shark, with its body completely out of the water, has its nose pointed to the sky as its shadowy gray body and fins glisten underneath the bright California sun. All the while, Warren seems unaware of the shark leaping into the air behind him.

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Surfer Tyler Warren riding a wave. (Jordan Anast)

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A shark jumps out of the water behind the surfer. (Jordan Anast)

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The shark, completely out of the water. (Jordan Anast)

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A shark jumps out of the water behind the surfer. (Jordan Anast)

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The shark behinds to fall back into the water. (Jordan Anast)

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The shark has fallen back into the water. (Jordan Anast)

The photo series continues, showing the shark falling back into the water as Warren draws closer to the shore. According to Anast, the shot was "one in a million, right place, right time."

"I get satisfaction stopping time and creating a moment that lasts forever," he said.

You can see more of Anast's work on by visiting his Instagram profile or website linked here.